Paragraph. Clique aqPickles have turn into a permanent component of our food line, whether it is house or a restaurant, people try varies kinds of pickles to add a tang to their food. Pickling is an action that refers to the combination of brine with any meals, more commonly it is use for vegetables and known as pickles. Pickles have a historical background there are some notes available that shows pickles were first used by Cleopatra, it was stated that pickle have characteristics that enrich beauty. Today, how to make pickles have become exciting area of interest, a number of people often look for new homemade recipes for pickles online.

However, brine is the key element in making pickles. Brine is the combination of salt and water that works as a preservative and preserves food for longer period. It prevents the growth of bacteria. Occasionally, brine is used to marinade and add taste to various traditional foods. Besides water and salt, vinegar is important component of brine. All the three items are combined with the particular proportion that is, pure or pickling salt one-cup, six cups of distilled water and 3 cups of white vinegar and then all the components are boiled together.

You can choose any size of jar, essential thing is that you need to sterile it properly otherwise pickles will not last for long and catch fungus. Pickling is not a hard job to do, you can do it in your kitchen, all you need is some basic know how about the concept of making pickles. Once of the fundamental recipe is to fill the jar with the vegetables of your choice and leaving around two inches space at the top. Pour the brine in to the jar and add some vegetable oil. Seal the jar and note down the date, you can taste pickles after two weeks.

You can find a number of pickles recipes online. However, it is important that while searching for how to make pickles at home usually look for the recipes that can be made quickly in your kitchen area. Once you learning about pickling, you can add other components to have unique taste in your food with pickles.ui para editar .